The mind is an amazing thing. If we consider our pattern of thoughts and really pay attention to where are your thoughts in any given day, we may notice that our thoughts are in the future or in the past.
We can multi-task, as I type this on my computer, my thoughts can think about what I will have for dinner tonight, whether I have the ingredients at home or whether I will need to stop at the store. I can also type this and think about my morning at home, how much I enjoyed my coffee, and whether I remembered to unplug the straightener (haven't we all been there?).
But how often are our minds in the present moment? What even is the present moment?
As I am typing this, I can bring my attention to how my fingers feel on the keyboard, the pressure on each fingertip as I press down, I can be amazed that as my mind thinks of the words, my fingers automatically know where they keys are without even thinking about it.
As I type I can bring my attention to the noise that the computer keys make, or the music playing on the radio in the background. I can bring my awareness to my senses, my sight, my hearing, my touch. Often in a yoga class you can bring your awareness to your breathe, the sensations that the body is feeling in each pose and even any feelings that the pose may bring up for you.
But why do we want to live in the present moment? There is nothing wrong with thinking about my dinner plans, or how good my coffee was this morning, but if we are always concentrating on the future or thinking about the past, we are missing life as it is right now. AS the old saying goes, “treasure every moment as it may be your last”.
Take a moment in your daily life and consider where your thoughts are. Bring your awareness into the present moment, enjoy life as it is right now.
Hoping to see you on the mat this month!