Yoga Wrists - is there such a thing? If you have ever experienced it, you know exactly what I mean - that pain or discomfort you might feel while practising poses like downward dog, plank or table.
There are many things that can cause pain in our wrists, in life and in yoga class. The truth is, the pain you may be feeling in Yoga Class is probably happening in other areas of your life as well. You feel it more in yoga class as the demand on our wrists in certain poses is higher and infrequent, rather than the slower mis-alignment that we may feel at our keyboard where the stress on the wrists is lower, but more frequent.
I have been noticing my own wrists lately, something that has been happening more frequent with Covid, as I was not keeping up with my regular practice during that time.
I recorded this short video on my youtube channel to share my favourite wrist exercise to build strength - this is what I always add to my practice when I feel the return of those "yoga wrists".
Give it a try and let me know how it works for you!
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